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Pix: Shaun Flannery/ PICTURE>>SHAUN FLANNERY>01302-570814>>07778315553>>..29th June 1995..Fire damage to the main stand of Doncaster Rovers Belle Vue football ground..Former Chairman Ken Richardson was charged and subsequently found guilty of conspiracy to commit arson. He was jailed for the offence.

Pix: Shaun Flannery/ PICTURE>>SHAUN FLANNERY>01302-570814>>07778315553>>..29th June 1995..Fire damage to the main stand of Doncaster Rovers Belle Vue football ground..Former Chairman Ken Richardson was charged and subsequently found guilty of conspiracy to commit arson. He was jailed for the offence.

Copyright © Shaun Flannery Photography Ltd, Doncaster., © Shaun Flannery Photography Ltd, Doncaster.

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