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Pix: Shaun Flannery/ PICTURE>>SHAUN FLANNERY>01302-570814>>07778315553>>..21st October 2010.............Pupils of Mexborough School take part in a 'Raising Aspirations Day' at Robin Hood Airport. Organised by Doncaster MBC and Directions Finningley the project is aimed at reducing the number of young people who become NEET (Not in employment, education or training) at 16..Bev Moores, General Manager of Directions Finningley

Pix: Shaun Flannery/ PICTURE>>SHAUN FLANNERY>01302-570814>>07778315553>>..21st October 2010.............Pupils of Mexborough School take part in a 'Raising Aspirations Day' at Robin Hood Airport. Organised by Doncaster MBC and Directions Finningley the project is aimed at reducing the number of young people who become NEET (Not in employment, education or training) at 16..Bev Moores, General Manager of Directions Finningley

Copyright © Shaun Flannery Photography Ltd, Doncaster.
