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Pix: Shaun Flannery/ PICTURE>>SHAUN FLANNERY>01302-570814>>07778315553>>..30th September 2010..........Sheffield war veterans visit Concord Junior School to 'Keep the Memories Alive'.The World War 2 'heroes' gave a talk to year 4 &5 pupils about their experiences during the war..Pat Strafford (left) and Don Gillott

Pix: Shaun Flannery/ PICTURE>>SHAUN FLANNERY>01302-570814>>07778315553>>..30th September 2010..........Sheffield war veterans visit Concord Junior School to 'Keep the Memories Alive'.The World War 2 'heroes' gave a talk to year 4 &5 pupils about their experiences during the war..Pat Strafford (left) and Don Gillott

Copyright © Shaun Flannery Photography Ltd, Doncaster.
